LEAP + Modern Teacher

LEAP Innovations and Modern Teacher Join Forces to Transform Public Education

LEAP Innovations is a 501c3 nonprofit that pilots, evaluates, and expands the use of the best teaching practices and products to exponentially advance teaching and learning. In joining forces with Modern Teacher, a renowned pioneer in whole school redesign, LEAP Innovations will expand capabilities and deepen their impact. This collaboration aims to revolutionize the educational experience by bringing personalized and innovative programs and services to classrooms across the country.

"For over ten years, both LEAP Innovations and Modern Teacher have been empowering educators, inspiring students, and transforming education like never before," said Scott Frauenheim, CEO of LEAP Innovations. "We are thrilled to expand our offerings with Modern Teacher programming. Together, we will provide cutting-edge programs and services that will transform education and empower both educators and students."

LEAP Innovations and Modern Teacher will combine their expertise and resources to amplify their impact on education. The Modern Teacher Network, fueled by LEAP Innovations, will provide whole school redesign opportunities as part of the LEAP Innovations offerings. 

“Today’s learners and leaders are facing increasingly complex academic, work, technological, and social environments. LEAP Innovations and Modern Teacher will jointly design for the future of education, preparing learners and leaders as we approach the mid 21st century,” shared Dr. Kenneth Wong, Annenberg Professor of Education Policy at Brown University and LEAP Innovations board member. 

The shared vision of LEAP Innovations and Modern Teacher is to create dynamic, student-centered environments that cater to the unique needs of every learner. By leveraging the Modern Teacher Convergence Framework and the LEAP Learning Framework, both backed by extensive research, the Modern Teacher Network, fueled by LEAP Innovations, will expand its programming and offerings exponentially.

LEAP Innovations is thrilled to welcome three esteemed individuals to its team. Dr. Ann Chavez joins as our LEAP President, bringing with her a wealth of knowledge and experience to drive the organization's mission forward. Sue Holmes, Chief Learning Officer, will continue to ensure the delivery of high-quality programs and services. Ellen Johnston, Executive Director of Partnerships and Growth, will continue to expand the organization's reach.

Dr. Ann Chavez, who joins the LEAP Innovations team as President, shared, “I’m thrilled to continue leading learner-centered, competency-based learning experiences with LEAP Innovations. We’re continuing to redefine the student experience, and excited to continue delivering Modern Teacher programming to schools across the nation.”

This collaboration marks a significant milestone in the journey to reshape education. LEAP Innovations and Modern Teacher are committed to continuously improving and adapting their offerings to meet the evolving needs of educators and students. 

About LEAP Innovations: LEAP Innovations is a national education innovation organization headquartered in Chicago, IL. Their mission is to transform education by partnering with educators and innovators to create personalized, equitable, and learner-centered experiences for every student. LEAP Innovations offers a range of programs and services that empower educators and inspire students to reach their full potential.

About Modern Teacher: Modern Teacher is a leading organization in whole school redesign, dedicated to transforming education through innovative practices. Their research-backed frameworks and programs empower educators to create student-centered learning environments that foster engagement, collaboration, and critical thinking. Modern Teacher's expertise and resources have been instrumental in driving positive change in schools across the nation.


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